Lesson 2 - Modern Handguns Types & Operation
Tactical Pistol 1
"Modern Handguns – Types and Operation"
In this lesson instructor Cazz Castañeda discusses the various types of pistols. Topics include Revolvers, Semi-Automatics, Single Action, Double Action, Safety Mechanisms, Understanding and Identifying Parts, Operational Cycle, Ammunition and Cartridges.
So how does a semi-automatic handgun work? Many years of refinement starting in the 19th century and reaching through today have gone into the designs.
Introducing Instructor Fil “Cazz” Castañeda
Cazz served 12 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and was the Detachment Commander for the Maritime Special Purpose Raid Force during Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. Following his honorable service, he became a nuclear site security specialist and later joined the ranks of the Federal Air Marshals. Today he is deployed to hot spots around the globe with the DOD and State Department as a high threat protection specialist.